Mon-Fri: 9am-6pm | Sat: 9am-2pm | Sun: closed

He is the doctor of the first contact, with clinical excellence and skill for minor surgery. Expert in external consultation, with continuous, community care, in addition to population groups, with and without risk factors, without distinction of age, sex, organic systems, and diseases, capable of going from the individual to the family and the community. Integrator of biological, behavioral, and social sciences, as well as educational, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative aspects.

What do we do for our patients?
Activities in family medicine


  • Genetic counseling and prenatal care.
  • Clinical preventive medicine and health maintenance.
  • Outpatient clinical therapy in the three spheres.
  • A comprehensive approach to health problems.
  • Continuous care in the outpatient clinic and comprehensive care without distinction of sex, age, system, or affected organ or disease.
  • Participation and organization of community activities in health and community education.
  • Participation and organization of educational activities for health personnel and the community.


  • Intra-articular and extra-articular infiltration (shoulders, knees, trigger points, etc.)
  • Excision of sebaceous cyst
  • Excision of lipoma
  • Nail extraction (partial or total) and drainage
  • Extraction of foreign body in the cornea
  • Extraction of conjunctival foreign body
  • Extraction of foreign body in the ear
  • Extraction of nasal foreign body
  • Exeresis of inclusion cyst
  • Biopsy of skin and mucous membranes
  • Synovial cyst aspiration
  • Cauterization of skin lesions (warts, etc.)
  • Healing (wounds, ulcers, burns, etc.)
  • Wound debridement
  • Abscess drainage
  • Repair of skin wounds (traditional and aesthetic sutures)
  • Withdrawal of points
  • Ear wash
  • Nasal plugging
  • Placement of splint
  • Sampling for Pap smear

Types of Queries

Consultations on the most prevalent health problems in the community, such as:

  • Acute Disease: An acute disease has a clearly defined beginning and end and is of
    short duration. Generally, its duration is considered to be less than three months.
  • Chronic Disease: In medicine, long-term conditions and generally slow progression are called chronic diseases. There is no consensus about the period from which a disease becomes considered chronic; but on average, any illness lasting more than six months can be considered chronic.
  • Preventive Activities: t is in charge of applying, promoting, and investigating activities and policies for the promotion and protection of health; in addition to monitoring the health of the population, identifying their health needs, and planning, managing, and evaluating health services.

Our Medical Professionals Are Here to Listen!

We strive to address all your healthcare needs with your full knowledge. Hence, if you have any lingering concerns about our medical service, never hesitate to contact our responsive staff via our phone line at 888-319-2069.